The deadline for Abstract Submission in GARAD-2015 has been extended to 26th April
This is great oppertunity to take part in the GARAD-2015 by submitting your abstracts.
Please organize your abstract in a single A4 page as below:
Title: Maximum 150 characters including spaces
Authors: Include full first name, any middle initials and last name. Use superscript numerals to indicate affiliations of authors. Underline presenter(s). For example Mikael D Berg1, Richard Smith2
Authors Affiliation: For example, 1Department of Biomedical Sciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 75189, Uppsala Sweden; 2Avian Viral Diseases programme, The Pirbright Institute, Compton, RG207NN, United Kingdom.
Abstract: Please ensure that abstract should not exceed 2000 characters with spaces (Longer abstracts will not be considered).
Email Address: Enlist email addresses of all abstract authors here author1@email.address; author2@email.address